
Showing posts from May, 2019

What is Springboot and its Advantages

Spring Boot is a way to bootstrap any Spring application or create it quickly. Here's Spring Boot's official definition. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". Spring Boot helps you to quickly create any Spring application. It provides default configurations that help you avoid a lot of hard-to-maintain boilerplate code. Advantages of Spring Boot It provides many default configurations to help you create the Spring application more quickly. It comes with a tomcat or jetty server embedded, so you don't have to deploy jar. By avoiding a lot of boilerplate code, it reduces development code. As you can quickly create a Spring application, it increases productivity. It provides plenty of starting project for easy integration. You don't have to worry about the mismatch version. With the spring boot initializer, you can quickly create a sample project

Introduction to Maven

Maven is a very flexible build tool. To understand it, you need to understand the following concepts: projects and the POM plugins and their goals build life cycle and phases packaging types dependency management and the local repository Projects and the POM The work unit in Maven is a project. Each project has its project object model (usually shortened to POM) defined in pom.xml, an XML file containing project information and details on how to build the project. The POM of a project can inherit from the POM of another project to form a hierarchy of POM inheritance; this is the mechanism used in Maven to avoid duplication. Eventually, the Maven Super POM inherits all POM files. Plugins and their Goals Maven is a plugin based execution framework. Each plugin defines one or more goals. Compiler plugin  - compiles Java code Surefire plugin  - runs Java tests Checkstyle plugin  - analyzes Java source code Cobertura plugin  - runs unit te...